• 国产麻豆XXXVIDEO实拍,91无码麻豆视频,麻豆短视频网站,麻豆亚洲AV无码成人H动漫







    聯係地址:中國(山東)自由貿易試驗區濟南片區孫村街道經十東路33688號章錦綜合保稅區聯東U穀科創中心5號樓 101


    玻璃鋼91无码麻豆视频池-性質-用途 是按照農院固定土層的地下91无码麻豆视频池,不適應流動土層。如用戶地下水位淺、如:海灘、河灘,不是固定土層的請用戶注明

    Fiberglass biogas digester - property - use is the underground biogas digester in the fixed soil layer of the farm, which is not suitable for the mobiles soil layer. If the user's groundwater level is shallow, such as beach and river beach, and it is not a fixed soil layer, please indicate
    Glass fiber reinforced plastic biogas digester, which is made of unsaturated polyester resin, gel coat resin, chopped felt, qualitative glass fiber cloth and other materials in combination with forming mould through multiple processes. Because gel coat resin is used on the inner surface of the tank, it has reliable sealing performance. The FRP material compounded by the tank body makes it have the characteristics of strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, aging resistance and leakage resistance. In the process of use, it occupies a small area, is easy to bury, and is fast in construction. There is no need to maintain the pool body in the process of use, which brings many conveniences to users and is welcomed by farmers.
    It is light in weight, strong in waterproof and anti-seepage performance, air leakage prevention performance, no need to paint anti-seepage coating twice, short in production cycle, convenient in installation, and is a powerful energy equipment. This tank is an underground biogas tank based on the fixed soil layer of the farm, which is not suitable for the mobiles soil layer. If the user's groundwater level is shallow, such as beach and river beach, and it is not a fixed soil layer, please indicate

    相關產品 国产麻豆XXXVIDEO实拍的存在,是為了更好的服務於91无码麻豆视频等可燃氣體淨化及利用行業